Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It never ceases to amaze me...this power I have...that we all have actually.  And the power I am speaking of is the power of energetic connection.
I am completely fascinated with my ability to read people's minds...especially when we are sharing a space together...driving along in the car...I am thinking of something and the person with me, usually someone I really love, will start talking about my exact thoughts!  It used to really creep me out, because I thought that my 'thoughts' were too loud!  Weird right?
It happens so much that I don't even trip on it any more.  It's just part of me being exquisitely sensitive to the world around me.   Not saying I am an infallible mind reader, but I will say I am usually right on.

So this leads me to believe in the supreme power of our intentions, and our innate inter-connectedness with those in our environment.  In my Buddhist practice, we believe we are at one with our environment...nothing is separate, we are all connected.  Everything that happens around us, we have a connection with it.

So I guess then it all starts with US!  And if we want something to change we must chant to change ourselves, our karma, or you could even say 'our energy'. of my absolute FAVORITE topics!  That unseen force that is so incredibly powerful, yet because we cannot see it...(well some of us maybe can)  we dont always give it credit for what it is, what it can do.   You can use it through thoughts, words and deeds.   All 'causes' as we say in this Buddhism.   One of the causes I like to make, especially when there is nothing left I can possibly do about a situation is CHANT!  By the act of using my voice accompanied by my intentions, the vibrations I use are POWERFUL!  I have manifested so many things that way, but most importantly transformed as a person, transformed situations in my life.  As well as aided and abetted others in their struggles and victories!

I am not saying by any means this is the only way to connect or manifest.  It can happen all day long to me.  Thinking of someone and my iPod will play all "their songs"...or they may call or text out of the blue!  Maybe even run into them.  That's happened to everyone at least once or twice, right?
A friend of mine knew of this power all too well.  She used to say..."Be careful who you call on your 'psychic cell phone'!"  That was her funny way of reminding me not to think of anyone I didn't want dealings with.  Because we are like human magnets!  Especially us super intense types with the crazy strong vibes!

Tonight was particularly interesting...I was chanting in front of my altar. I have been chanting so much lately because there are some things I really want to 'transform' and I also want to send my most positive energy to some others I know and love because they are really struggling.  So as I was in my 2nd hour of chanting I was using this time to visualize people I love...some in my life...some not right now. Nevertheless I was thinking of them.  When I thought of them I used a different technique this time...I envisioned them really HAPPY!  I didn't strategize how, who or what they were doing to be happy...just saw them smiling in my mind's eye.  Smiling and having a glad heart!   Earlier today I felt so heavy hearted, I could not shake it for most of the day.  For some reason I had the energy to chant longer tonight, an extra hour!  And when I chanted this way I felt so damn GOOD!  My spirits are so much lighter!  I don't even feel like the same person I was earlier today!   It was such a pleasant feeling to connect with the people I love and imagine them really HAPPY!
And when it comes down to it, that is only going to help them in being happy!  Positive visualizations are SO POWERFUL!!   So it's a WIN/WIN!  I love win/win situations!!

As I was chanting I couldn't help but wonder if they were picking me up on their 'Radar' so to speak.  I thought at times, "I wonder if this will reach them?"
Shortly thereafter I had that exact phone chimed from a text!  It was someone who I hadn't heard from in quite some time, that I had been chanting for during that hour, for their happiness!  And it was a good message too!
I felt it was kind of like the Universe reassuring me that we can all reach each other...especially if our hearts are in the right place.  Whether we use prayer, Reiki, visualization...and so many other fantastic modalities of energetic connection! We possess more power than we think!  There is so much more I want to say about this subject...and most likely will in blogs to come.  But for now I will say...I just LOVE this RADAR LOVE!