Friday, September 23, 2011

" in the dark night...sing to the morning light..." Happy Autumn Equinox!

Last night I happened catch 'The Song Remains The Same' on the tube and it brought me again to pondering the age old paradox of Jimmy or Robert??  Oh the conundrum….My girlfriends and I can never decide!  We usually just come to the conclusion of BOTH….Oh, to be one of those famous groupies back then...Lori Lightning, Pammy Des Barres, etc...the list goes on...

"In The Light...."

Robert is so dreamy…he has 'love light' in his eyes.  He is BRIGHT like the SUN...your White Knight in shining armour...AND...besides being so beautiful and talented…I have always heard nothing but nice things about him as a person.

"From the darkest depths of Mordor..."

Jimmy is so dark…mystical…'The Sorcerer'...There is a sense of danger behind those eyes...'burning red...dreams of YOU all in his head...'

It is reflected in his choice of clothing….

His Stormtrooper outfit…

His infamous White Suit...chasing the dragon through the ‘poppies’ I see…

his choice in homes…

The 'Boleskine House' -- Aleister Crowley's old pad...

...And his interest in the occult and darker side of life...

Today is also the Autumn Equinox…also known as Mabon in Pagan holidays.  A time of Harvest.

It is the beginning of Libra, a time of balance between The Dark and The Light.  When today is equal parts daylight and darkness.

I started thinking of Jimmy and Robert…and how and why they make such a dynamic duo!

One cannot really exist without the other…they are one and the same…the yin and the yang…that is Page and Plant.  They worked so well together…balancing each other in a very complimentary way to say the least!

The sign of Libra, as some of you may know is about Balance, Harmony, and Justice.  Incidentally Robert’s symbol from Zep IV is the circle with the feather in it.  This is the feather of Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess of justice and fairness.  Another correlation and representation of this Autumn Equinox and start of Libra.

From what I also gathered about this part of the year is that we are going into the darker times…not necessarily dark as in bad…but perhaps the depth of things.  Enter 'The Hermit’...

In the Tarot, 'The Hermit' card represents repose and solitude, being alone with ones thoughts as to ‘go within’ reflect on one’s life…

Interestingly enough, Zep IV was released in Fall of ’71.  It has always reminded me of Fall, probably because that was the 1st time I truly heard it...and ever since then all I can think of is beginning High School...getting stoned...getting turned on to that album...a beautiful Indian Summer...and riding out to Bolinas after school in the back of some dude's truck with my girlfriends!  

So there it is, observations on 'The Dark' and the 'The Light'.  I tend to stay more on the side of 'The Light', but can definitely have appreciation for 'The Dark'.   I usually get kinda depressed and melancholy when Autumn begins but maybe this year I will approach it differently....this time I may try and just embrace it!

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts and correlations on Page, Plant, Mabon, Libras and Zep IV...all just all part of 'My Aquarian Odyssey...'

Friday, September 9, 2011

"You know Mt. Davidson Park?" "Yeah..." "Go to the Cross..."

This is a story about finally making a long time dream come true...deciding to embark upon a spontaneous adventure...and to make a pilgrimage to the location one of the best scenes in movie history!

As some of you may know...I am obsessed with Clint Eastwood. Especially his movies from the 70's!  I had a boyfriend who actually gave me the 'Dirty Harry' box set as a gift, if that gives you a clue. Kind of a funny gift to give your girlfriend...but he knew what I liked.

Seeing Dirty Harry for the 1st time was what got me hooked.   Many will agree that 'Callahan' was THE coolest bad-ass of ALL TIME!

I love the acting of course, the plot is awesome, seeing San Fran in the 70's is really a groove!   And to top it off, the eerie beautiful soundtrack is by none other than Lalo Schrifrin.  Did I mention I'm also obsessed with Fender Rhodes?

One of the best scenes in that movie is the climax of the long wild goose chase "Callahan" gets put on by the killer "Scorpio".  Bringing ransom money in hopes to save a captive 14 year old girl.

They end up at the top of Mt Davidson in the darkness, at the foot of this HUGE ominous cross.   I won't say what goes down up there but I always found it chilling!  Andy Robinson does an AMAZING job as "Scorpio" in this flick!  His face...his voice...SO creepy, especially in this particular scene.

The movie is based on the murder spree of the 'Zodiac Killer' who terrorized the Bay Area in the late 60's to early 70's.  The whole concept of the Zodiac Killer is frightening as well as fascinating!  I have been strangely drawn to it for many years.  I read the book "Zodiac" by Robert Graysmith when I was in high school.  In part of the book, he goes on to tell about the real Zodiac and his roles in films.  Zodiac was a "real nut on movies" he says.  In 1971, the same year as the release of 'Dirty Harry' a low budget movie was made about this subject.  It played only one week at the Golden Gate Theatre in SF.  It was seen by fewer than 1000 people.  It was called 'The Zodiak Killer' starring Bob Jones and Hal Reed.  It ends with hinting that "the 'Zodiac' may be the man sitting behind you!"

YIKES!! Because chances were good that he WAS since he was an egotist and it was played to a limited audience.

For this particular movie, there was a contest devised by the producers in hopes to snare the real Zodiac Killer.   A huge carton was set up in the lobby of the theatre with a man crouched inside.  There was a slot at the top and movie goers who wanted to have a chance at winning a new motorcycle were to write in 25 words or less "I Believe The Zodiac Killed because..."

Zodiac was probably curious and vain enough to see the film.

The man inside the box was to read each entry and alert management via intercom if he spotted a suspicious entry claiming to be the killer.

I thought this to be interesting piece of information about film and the 'Zodiac'...people were utterly terrified by this killer...and his elusive ways had movies being made about him.  As you may know...he has never been found.

The author went on to say "Dirty Harry" was by far the best movie ever made on the subject.  It was the most faithful to the facts in the Zodiac case.  Clint Eastwood's character was based on Inspector David Toschi and the movie uses an EXACT copy of Zodiac's printing in 'Scorpio's' letters to the Chronicle.

With that being said, to me it makes 'Dirty Harry' even better!  I nerd out on things and LOVE learning the back story on the stuff I geek out on.

I had always wanted to see this infamous Cross.  And with it being a local landmark for me, it was something I had planned to do for quite some time now....but for some reason it never happened!

My sister and I have both been into the movie and the Zodiac case...we tried to find it in the mid-90's but because we just attempted to do so on a whim we had no mobile Internet in those days, folks...just trial and error and maybe a map if you were really prepared.

I had heard it maybe had been torn down because of it going against 'separation of Church and State' but that someone had purchased it to prevent that from happening.  I was really hoping that was the case because I would have devastated if that were true.  I still wanted to try.  It was always in the back of my mind to make it up there to see for myself this AMAZING concrete 103 ft. monument.

I was driving around one night and tried to get my date to go on an adventure with me to find it, but he wouldn't get out of the car...he didn't even want to DRIVE up there with me.  It's fucking SCARY...that's no lie!  But nevertheless...still so drawn to it!

So last Monday was turning out to be a very lazy boring Labor Day. I called up my friend to see what he had going on.  Both turned up with nothing.  We agreed that I would head into the city and we would see where the day took us.  So that we did....

After a great lunch at 'Barney's' in Noe Valley...I was feeling a little buzz on from the beer and wanted to walk off my food coma.  It was so beautiful at that time of day...the evening was just beginning and everything was golden around the city.  We got in my car and started putting around the hills...and I started to realize the adventure I had wanted for that day lay right before me!

I asked him if he was down and he said "YEAH"!   So a quick trip by the liquor store and we were on our way!

We got some weird directions from my iPhone.  We attempted to hike up one side of Mt. Davidson but we were not even sure if we were gonna pull it off.  The huge Cross was no where in sight! OH NO!  So we regrouped and got another address from the official website...I guess "thank GOD for 'smart-phones'!"   I kept saying...this is getting more familiar...and being the movie nerd that I am I kept quoting all the scenes.  I know...I'm a dork!  Sue me...

So up we went...I am wearing vintage 70's platform sandals mind you!  This was a spontaneous adventure I was obviously NOT planning or dressed for!  But I didn't care...we were too close.   We walked up through mud and steep bumpy one point I fell, dropping my camera and breaking my shoe.  We were determined!  We got to a clearing at the top and STILL didn't see it!  Being kinda tipsy I thought this one cement block was where it must have been!  I was so heart was sinking. I kept saying..."IF THEY TORE DOWN THAT CROSS I WILL BE PISSED ON SO MANY LEVELS!"  I would have mostly been pissed at myself for putting it off for almost 20 years, especially when I lived so close!  So we decided to persevere...

And as we walked through the heavy, heavy mist THERE IT WAS!!   In all it's strangeness and glory!   I was SCREAMING!!!  "THERE'S THE FUCKING CROSS!!!!!!"   I could only imagine what the few hikers must have been thinking as they attempted to go on with their mellow evening hike.  HAHAHAHA!   TOO funny!

We were sooooo excited!!  We were actually in tears!  I know that may sound a little over-dramatic but you really had to be there.  It was insane!  It was crazy for me because I had seen that movie so many times and to finally be up there and see where it all went down!  SO COOL!!  I kept imagining how it must have been getting the film crews up there...the lighting...the equiptment??  I read later that it was very difficult indeed and took quite a while because of the intense fog every night.

So our pilgrimage was rewarded.   We took lots of and otherwise. ; )  We celebrated finding such an incredible thing.  And to me it reminded me never to give up because like the Cross hiding in the the top of that was just around the corner.   Much like many little (or HUGE) dreams we have in life.

"Are we going the right way...?  I don't see the cross...?"


The Cross

Here's to making things happen!

Tears of Happiness  ; )

Doing my best 'Scorpio' impression....

Here is a well meaning, and I would say a well made little documentary I found on YouTube done on the locations of the 'Dirty Harry' movie.  Kinda nerdy at some points but I guess it was "Made for nerds, by nerds"  I can get that!