Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dark Side Of The Moon - New Moon In Virgo

I recently started getting into using the energies of the New Moon.  I found a cool book at a yard sale a few years ago and pondered the idea.  The woman who sold it to me said…”It really works!”   I was open to the fact that it might.   The book was called:  New Moon Astrology: Using New Moon Power Days to Change and Revitalize Your Life

So I took it home and played around with what it told me.  Up until that point I had no idea about the New Moon and how people had been using it’s energy forever.  Known to be the best time to start anything…whether its planting crops or cutting your hair, that is the time where you will see the most benefit and growth to whatever is it you do.   Go figure…  But I’m not about to doubt things that have been done for many moons (as it were).

I have done this over the last few months…and to be perfectly honest, I have indeed seen results in the areas that I made my intentions.  Each month is astrologically more geared for what that sign rules.  It’s kind of interesting…if you have an open mind it may be worth your while to check out.

So now that I’ve had a bit of success with it, I decided to stay up on the signs of the New Moon, and this upcoming one on Sunday happens to be in Virgo.   So off I went onto the Information Super Highway to check into what take others had on this upcoming New Moon.   I went to one of my absolute FAVORITE writers on the subject, I love her beautiful blogs and find her to be a huge inspiration for me starting mine.  Her name is Cathy Pagano and her blog is  She is the REAL DEAL!  I wanted to share what I got from her.  Her take on everything is much more thorough…an Astrologer I am NOT!  But just like to pass on what I think is worthwhile to whoever happens to be reading what I have to say.
So what I gathered from all my research, from Cathy as well as some others is that this would be a good time to reevaluate areas in your life that have to do with health, work, discernment, reliability, organization.  If there is something in those areas you would like a new start or a change, the energies surrounding this time are more powerful and beneficial to your endeavor.

One of the things I learned is that the symbol of Virgo is the Virgin holding the shaft of wheat, which is to represent the harvest and “what you sow, so shall you reap.”  Well…that makes sense to me.  My whole life and spirituality is based very much upon that concept.

One of the gifts of Virgo is discernment, ‘The Virgin who belongs to herself’.  I really dig that concept too!  So many times, we as women, men or just as ‘people’ give ourselves away…whether at our jobs, our relationships, our truest values.  So I would think this is a good time to reflect on yourself, what you want, need, your values, your goals.  Virgo is also the sign of synthesis which can be the integration of the body, mind and spirit.  We can ask ourselves, ‘What new seeds do we want to plant?’  Looking back over where we were in our careers, our health, and thinking…do we like where we are now?  What information have we gathered? And with Virgo, it’s more like “What are we going to DO with that information?” "How well are we using what we’ve learned?"  Time to get organized.  If we are having issues, especially in health, work and getting productive, how are you dealing with it??

Like I mentioned earlier, about ‘belonging to yourselves’, you may ask…how does one go about doing that?  The first way to do that is through ‘KNOWING YOURSELF’.   Who are you and who were you taught to believe you are?  Taking this time to evaluate yourself and your capabilities.  What exactly are your limitations? What can you do about them? How can you use your assets?  With Virgo being about analyzation, you can really go within, and this would be time to use that to your advantage.  Just don't get 'paralysis from over-analysis'.  That won't serve you at all!
Personally speaking, I learned a while ago to just embrace the way I am.  Not saying that I have it mastered and I completely LOVE EVERYTHING about myself 100% of the time.  More like, just accepting things as they were…some weren’t likely to change, some I can keep working at.  Making provisions for yourself where you have those limitations (and yes, everyone has them)…and noticing your strengths.  Make it a real point to do the latter.  ‘Accentuate The Positive!’  I find myself to get further when I do that.

Then be honest and ask yourself, ARE you being TOO hard on yourself, trying to be the *perfect* everything?  Pushing yourself beyond unrealistic expectations of achievement?  And for what…really?  It’s important to check yourself and see if you are losing precious energy and quality time on something that may just not be that big of a deal.  With life and its many, MANY up’s and down’s it’s most important to hold on and remember to have fun!   (Easier said than done…believe me, I know.)  But if we can do that, and we’re here anyway…might as well enjoy the ride.

Because this New Moon happens to be conjunct with Venus it will help to see our own Self-worth.  Also connecting us with our heart and its desires.  So look inside and see what that means to you.  When the Moon is so new and it’s so dark outside, we are calmer and quieter inside…as opposed to the ‘LUNAcy’ of the Full Moon.   So right now, in the quiet darkness, it’s just easier to go deeper…

Because Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in the late degrees of Aquarius are opposing this new Moon, we are reminded to have compassion, tolerance and patience for ourselves and others.  However that doesn’t let you off the hook for taking responsibility for your own actions and your own goals!

So the Virgo New Moon occurs on Sunday August 28 at 8:04pm PDT/ 11:04pm EDT and on Monday August 29 at 3:04am GMT.  From what I read in the book I scored from that yard sale, it says to cast your intentions or wishes within the 1st 8 hours of the New Moon.  To only wish 10 each New Moon or it loses it's power when the energy is scattered so to speak.  It says a lot of other cool, useful info on the subject.  It's a fun read, and worth trying a few times to experiment with something many have done for centuries.

So with this particular one on Sunday, I find the Virgo influence to be one of  'Getting it together’ and then DOING something with it!   Good luck in your endeavors...whatever they may be…and I’ll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon….


Sunday, August 21, 2011

All In Due Time…

Tonight I am thinking about patience…  It’s something you better have if you want to be successful, in anything.   Whether it's career, relationships, self-improvement, or even just the course of the Universe, patience and perseverance is key to getting through to the next level.

Lately, especially today I am looking back on my achievements…goals I had set for myself with projects and as well as my own personal transformation.  I can see in the present moment that things did actualize.  It can give you confidence in future goals when you see it in that light.

Sometimes it is hard…’The waiting is the hardest part…”   So true, Mr. Petty, so true.  When I look back on some of the time I felt I was spinning my wheels, I can see it was all part of the perfect plan.  I am a woman who is all about taking ACTION!  But I can see that there are some things that just need their “due time”.  And for me that can be so hard to swallow.

As hard as that is for me to accept, maybe things really do have their time…almost as if in a chrysalis until they emerge as their own butterfly.  I keep trying to remind myself of that fact, because sometimes I can feel so STUCK I literally want to SCREAM!  But then I calm down…distract…count my many blessings and go back over the things, the MANY things I am so grateful for.  As well as all the many things I have accomplished, no matter how big or small.  It’s good to give yourself a little pat on the back now and again.  It can give you hope about the future goals you have.

In my practice of Nichiren Buddhism, we have a saying, “No Prayer Goes Unanswered”.  And looking back, I see in almost every case for that to be mostly true.  It doesn’t mean that I get everything I have ever wanted, but more like things have their way of turning around for the best, if and when they were supposed to.   I am still waiting on some unanswered prayers that I don’t quite understand yet.   In the meantime I appreciate the changes I have been able to make.  Looking back is sometimes a good thing, to see what you have done, or what you can do differently next time around…and then, as we also say “Honin Myo” which translates to “From This Moment Forward”

I can’t say that I still don’t worry, freak out, get negative and really hard on myself and think…”What if this never happens…?  What if I can’t pull this off??”  But focusing on the present moment and being mindful really helps.  I also like to use a lot of positive and creative visualization!  It can be fun and a break from all your worries.  And what you are doing, whether you believe it or not, is actually CREATING your future!  I have manifested things and blown my own mind with my own personal power!  And what’s great is that WE ALL HAVE IT!  The believing part and the patience part is the hardest, at least for me.  But that’s when I look back on what I have manifested, and feel like if I could do THAT, I CAN DO THIS!!

As long as I have patience…


Monday, August 1, 2011

And so the journey begins...

I have always been told to write.  I guess I have a lot to share.  I am an Aquarian with a stellium of 5 planets in the 3rd house.   For those of you who aren't as astrologically inclined, it can mean that I have the propensity for words, communication, writing...etc.
I write from the heart, not at all ‘classically trained’ as you will see.  I just tell it like I see it…like I feel it…much the way I am in real life.  I have also found writing to be very therapeutic.  Ever since I was young it has always been something I can turn to express myself.  I also found many of the best answers came from within, and when I would finish what I had been writing, I found them to come out.
I have interests in many things, and this blog will reflect that...spirituality, psychology, the healing arts, astrology, music, fashion, film, books, (especially anything coming from the late 1960's, all of the 70's and some of the early 80's).   I really seem to live there, in that particular time period.  My clothing, my home, my car, almost everything I own... I think it's because I find everything from that time more creative, deep and colorful.  It also reminds me of a happy time in my life...I am a very nostalgic soul.
I thought this blog would be a great tool for my self-expression as well as to reach many others on this planet.  I like the idea of the inter connectedness of writing on the Internet.  One can reach so matter how near or how far.
And so I invite you and welcome you to join me on… 'My Aquarian Odyssey'...