Sunday, August 21, 2011

All In Due Time…

Tonight I am thinking about patience…  It’s something you better have if you want to be successful, in anything.   Whether it's career, relationships, self-improvement, or even just the course of the Universe, patience and perseverance is key to getting through to the next level.

Lately, especially today I am looking back on my achievements…goals I had set for myself with projects and as well as my own personal transformation.  I can see in the present moment that things did actualize.  It can give you confidence in future goals when you see it in that light.

Sometimes it is hard…’The waiting is the hardest part…”   So true, Mr. Petty, so true.  When I look back on some of the time I felt I was spinning my wheels, I can see it was all part of the perfect plan.  I am a woman who is all about taking ACTION!  But I can see that there are some things that just need their “due time”.  And for me that can be so hard to swallow.

As hard as that is for me to accept, maybe things really do have their time…almost as if in a chrysalis until they emerge as their own butterfly.  I keep trying to remind myself of that fact, because sometimes I can feel so STUCK I literally want to SCREAM!  But then I calm down…distract…count my many blessings and go back over the things, the MANY things I am so grateful for.  As well as all the many things I have accomplished, no matter how big or small.  It’s good to give yourself a little pat on the back now and again.  It can give you hope about the future goals you have.

In my practice of Nichiren Buddhism, we have a saying, “No Prayer Goes Unanswered”.  And looking back, I see in almost every case for that to be mostly true.  It doesn’t mean that I get everything I have ever wanted, but more like things have their way of turning around for the best, if and when they were supposed to.   I am still waiting on some unanswered prayers that I don’t quite understand yet.   In the meantime I appreciate the changes I have been able to make.  Looking back is sometimes a good thing, to see what you have done, or what you can do differently next time around…and then, as we also say “Honin Myo” which translates to “From This Moment Forward”

I can’t say that I still don’t worry, freak out, get negative and really hard on myself and think…”What if this never happens…?  What if I can’t pull this off??”  But focusing on the present moment and being mindful really helps.  I also like to use a lot of positive and creative visualization!  It can be fun and a break from all your worries.  And what you are doing, whether you believe it or not, is actually CREATING your future!  I have manifested things and blown my own mind with my own personal power!  And what’s great is that WE ALL HAVE IT!  The believing part and the patience part is the hardest, at least for me.  But that’s when I look back on what I have manifested, and feel like if I could do THAT, I CAN DO THIS!!

As long as I have patience…


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