Monday, August 1, 2011

And so the journey begins...

I have always been told to write.  I guess I have a lot to share.  I am an Aquarian with a stellium of 5 planets in the 3rd house.   For those of you who aren't as astrologically inclined, it can mean that I have the propensity for words, communication, writing...etc.
I write from the heart, not at all ‘classically trained’ as you will see.  I just tell it like I see it…like I feel it…much the way I am in real life.  I have also found writing to be very therapeutic.  Ever since I was young it has always been something I can turn to express myself.  I also found many of the best answers came from within, and when I would finish what I had been writing, I found them to come out.
I have interests in many things, and this blog will reflect that...spirituality, psychology, the healing arts, astrology, music, fashion, film, books, (especially anything coming from the late 1960's, all of the 70's and some of the early 80's).   I really seem to live there, in that particular time period.  My clothing, my home, my car, almost everything I own... I think it's because I find everything from that time more creative, deep and colorful.  It also reminds me of a happy time in my life...I am a very nostalgic soul.
I thought this blog would be a great tool for my self-expression as well as to reach many others on this planet.  I like the idea of the inter connectedness of writing on the Internet.  One can reach so matter how near or how far.
And so I invite you and welcome you to join me on… 'My Aquarian Odyssey'...

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