Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Darkest Hour Is Just Before...

I've always really been into the Winter Solstice.  Ever since I first learned about it I guess.  I heard about it from someone dear to me, someone who hipped me to all the spiritual & metaphysical things I am into now.  I was almost 16 years old, and was more in touch with the dark side back then.  Most teenagers are I suppose.  She told me it was a time to leave the dark behind.  To write out your new intentions for the new year. And to also write out what you wanted to leave behind and then burn that list.

Woody Guthrie's List

As many of you may know, Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year.  I don't really like that...because now that I am well out my teen years, I don't like the dark...and probably, never really have.  In fact I will let you in on a little secret about myself...I am SO scared of the dark.  I always sleep with a night light too! But also I don't like the dark because the light feels so many ways of speaking.  You can see everything better in the light and less there is to hide.  It seems like the shadier things get done in the cloak of darkness...under the night sky.  I guess that's where that term came from. Shade means absence of "Shady".  Hmmm...there could be something to that thought...?

I like the warmth of the Sun.  I like how people come out of their caves and seem to be in better spirits.  I do like the night too.  Without it we couldn't see the Stars & The I guess we wouldn't have ASTROLOGY!


There are parts of the world where it stays light for many months. The Land Of The Midnight Sun.  I remember when I was a little girl, my Dad saying to me that I should live there, this place where it never got dark, because every night I would cry when I would have to go to bed, the dreaded darkness!  He was trying to make me laugh I guess, but for years I would wonder how I could move to that part of the planet.
I wonder why I was so affected??  I think a lot of kids are, especially the sensitive ones.

Land Of The Midnight Sun

Back to this Solstice!   Even though this is the shortest day of the year and the longest darkest night, it does signify the end of the darkening of the days.  It means that little by little the Sun will be making more of a stay here, taking up residency and brightening up our lives.   That is SUCH great news to me!
So in our lives we are to look towards brighter days.  Taking account of all the darkness we would like to change and let go of, while we are in our homes, keeping warm. 

We are to spread warmth to others as well.  That is what the Pagan and Christian holidays are based on.   Bringing gifts, food, holiday cheer!

There is so much more to this special holiday.  I wish I had the time and energy to expand on it...the Druids...Stonehenge...the way things were back in those days...where they didn't have the comforts of this modern age.  Many knew that some wouldn't be making it to see the Spring of the next year due to starvation and the bitterness of the upcoming Winter.   It makes me feel very grateful for the coziness of my Treehouse tonight as I write this to you on my lovely MacBook Pro, tummy full from the nice healthy dinner I made and so very warm from the heater going.  I feel kinda spoiled as I think of all the modern conveniences we have today...even just the readily accessible food, shelter, warmth...THE INTERNET!  If those ancient Druids only knew what was on the way!  MACBOOK PRO??  WTF??  SOURCERY!!  Hahaha!

It's easy to take all of this for granted.
I hear the winds really blowing outside. I feel so grateful for what I have...and send love and prayers to the ones that don't tonight.

The dawning of Winter is now upon us. The beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice, is on the night of December 21/22, 2011. The moment of the 2011 winter solstice is 12:30 am on Thursday morning, December 22 in the eastern standard time zone. In the Pacific standard time zone, the solstice is at 9:30 pm Wednesday evening, December 21.

So light your candles, write your lists, let go of your dark past, share love and light and get ready for new and brighter days ahead!  
The darkest hour is just before dawn!  

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