Thursday, November 10, 2011

Closer To The Heart

The title of this blog happens to be a title to one of my favorite songs by one of my all time favorite bands...that's right....RUSH!  And if you can't dig it well then you can just shove it!

Not only is the song really beautiful musically (in my humble opinion) but the lyrics have a great message about something that is really the most important thing in life when you think about it...The Heart!

And RUSH is a band that is all about that!  They totally stayed close to their own heart and wrote and played what they felt.  I, among others, have felt that is why they became and stayed so hugely successful. They played it like they felt it...did NOT bow down to commercialism.  And yes, they are definitely an acquired taste.  Probably why I have gotten shit for liking them by some, but I see their originality, their chemistry, their undeniable talent and their music literally has put chills through my body.   The gods of music brought these 3 together and the rest is history.

Ok so enough about RUSH.   What I am really trying to get to is the 'heart' of the matter.  It all starts with the heart.  If you truly follow your heart, you are being true to yourself.  It is who you really are!   Notice how whenever you point in reference to yourself, you point to the center of your being, you point to your HEART!  You don't say "I" and point to your head, because you are not your mind!   Don't get me wrong, we need that mind of ours, it becomes especially valuable when we feel we are losing it!  But we shouldn't begin and end with it.  We should use it to help us make good decisions but the heart should always be the deciding factor.  Don't shut it out.  Because if you do, you will never truly be where you want, or with who you really want either.

That is when meditation is so key.  I am always interested in learning about psychic ability.  Mostly because I believe it is an inherent part of us we don't use, much like most of our brain.  When I was reading about my favorite psychic ever, Edgar Cayce, he imparts the significance of meditating in order to get clearer psychic visions or hear messages...whichever of your gifts is stronger.

So why would that be??  Meditation is shutting off that constant chatter of the hard drive of our system.  THE MIND!  Always running...constantly processing...getting in the way of our true higher selves.   Our true selves KNOW what we truly want...where we truly want to be and who we truly want to be with.  Our true selves know all the answers too.  But have you ever noticed when you think too much about something, the answer just gets farther away?

In my spiritual practice we chant.  We can chant for whatever we want, and we do.  There are no conditions, and that is why I practice this particular sect of Buddhism.  One thing I have heard in regards to when we are chanting for something we want, or want the answer to, or want to get through is NOT to THINK about it!  Don't try to strategize!  Just come from the HEART!  It's all about the always is.  You can never go wrong that way.

Although one thing I will say in regards to that (as a disclaimer) is not to come from a place that is totally selfish.  I mean, I know of that expression..."The heart wants what it wants..."  But if what you want is your friend's lover it's not OK to go for it because you feel you are "following your heart."   That's just plain selfish and wrong and you know it. You can do whatever you want in this life, just know with every cause there is an effect.  And you will reap what you me on that one.  That law is just that strict, like is what it is.  INSTANT KARMA.

And plus that really isn't coming from the heart.  That is being self-centered.  And when you truly come from the heart and are honest and real about it,  my guess is that you wont be will be the 'centered-self'.  Big difference, right?

In my last blog, "Spock was probably a Scorpio..."  I tried to illustrate the importance of being in touch with your own heart, and actually the hearts of others too.  Empathy is not such a bad idea these days.  We have become such a self-absorbed society it actually is disgusting, that is if you want my personal opinion on the matter.
Love is what it's all about.  Love is the answer.  Love is all you need.

I mean, that's why we are all here, right?  To love and be loved.  Help each other and make the best of it while we are here.  To grow and become better people and to help others do the same?  That's the stuff we'll be taking when we leave...not the most toys...those stay here.  But if that was the case, then it's your empty soul that goes with ya!   hahaha!

Lately I have been fighting getting brought down in my own psychic mud.  I have been using the tools I have learned along the way and winning over some of my negativity and the challenges I have been facing lately.  Last night I joined a group at the center where I practice.  There is a special group that meets once a month for the issues of Mental Health.  It is run by a psychiatric nurse and some other therapists that practice this kind of Buddhism.  So I thought I would join them for encouragement, for my own feelings but more importantly to get some advice on how to cope with someone I love so dearly that is struggling with schizophrenia.  When I think about it for more than 20 seconds I will most certainly start to cry.  I was prepared to be very teary and emotionally and physically drained after the meeting.  I chanted beforehand for the best outcome.   And in fact I left that meeting so inspired!

I was so happy and filled with hope and a better perspective about the whole situation...even just about life.  As well as  this incredible POWER we all have within, to transform ANY situation!  Change any poison into medicine...and create value in whatever it is we are dealing with.  And how do we do this??  Well I choose to chant, because that is how I get 'closer to the heart' but I think if we point our bow in any direction, as long as the arrow comes from the heart we will hit the 'Bull's Eye' every time!

On the way home I felt better than I had in a long time. I had hope, I felt SO much LOVE!  As I drove home my iPod (which I think is possessed by the way, because of it's uncanny knack to play whatever I am feeling or thinking...that's a whole other blog anyway)  Nevertheless...a song came on that I have always loved so much because of it's beautiful sentiment and raw emotion.  It was "All Of My Love" by the mighty Led Zep.   A song written by Robert Plant about the death of his young son, Karac in '77.  He was only 4 and lost his short life to a virus.  How torturous that must be, to bury your own child, so young.  If I really think about it and empathize, I will cry.  I'm not going to lie, the thought of it breaks my heart to pieces.

The song is so amazing.  I love the keyboard intro, followed by Bonham's drums...and then the sound of Robert's soulful vocals and lovely lyrics about how he feels so much love for his son.  He sings with sadness but almost a sense of triumph...and joy for knowing and loving his son.  It is uplifting as well as bittersweet.  But what I love the most is that even though the song is about one of the most traumatic subjects you could find,  you can still hear the almost haunting sadness, but the glory of his deep and undying love.   It is very real and so touching.
As I listened to it on the way home, I was in such a great and positive, loving state.  I appreciated that song like I never had before.  Music moves me more than the average person, I am a very sensitive soul, but this was something I could really feel with my heart.  Probably because I feel it expanding so much lately with the things I have been doing...changing my perspective, chanting, meditating, studying and most importantly coming from the heart!

(wish there was a better video for this amazing masterpiece of music)

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