Sunday, November 6, 2011

Spock was probably a Scorpio...

Before you, my dear Scorpio's,  get your tails up ready to sting...I am only referring to your gift / curse of being able to detach.  Maybe something I even envy of you at times.

The thing is with Scorpios (at least some of the ones I have known...and I knew them well) is that they are actually very sensitive.  Being Water Signs  they are more emotional, and also probably the most psychic of all the others in the Zodiac.  Probably due to their extreme sensitivity, and because of that I think they also must shut down for their own self-preservation.   They are INTENSE and that's what I LOVE about them! It always draws me in...the depth and darkness.  I myself have Scorpio Rising, so I get it.  

My Mother and younger sister are well as my last 2 boyfriends (who happened to have the exact same birthday...YIKES!)
In the last 2 years living in my Treehouse, I have found TWO of them in my bedroom...not talking about the last two men in my life either!  TWO ACTUAL SCORPIONS!  When I asked my landlady about the 1st one, she told me they are not native to this part of the mountain.  She has never seen one in the 47 years she has lived on this property.  Neither had any of the neighbors.  When I told about the 2nd one I found she said..."You must have a thing with Scorpio's..."   HA!  Do I ever!

The 1st Visitor...I set him free after a long hike out to Tennessee Valley Beach

The 2nd Visitor...set him free on top of Mount my sacred spot.

I have noticed that Scorps can be so guarded.  Back them into a corner about something and IT'S ON!  Get ready for that venomous sting!  After all they are just a little insect, but can be quite fierce!  They can get down right mean if you call them on their shit.  And JEALOUS?   Some of the ones I have known get SO much so, they can't even admit it.  Part of the guarding thing I suppose.  And maybe because if they acknowledge it, it would unleash it.   "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!"   Ha ha!   I noticed many of them have to play it cool,  always the cool facade...even if they are a hurricane of wild emotions inside.   That's just how they roll I guess.   It may be how they protect themselves.   Not all have these traits...just an observation on some I have known.

They can be SO goddamn MAGNETIC too!  It can be lethal if one has a hold on you...Vulcan Death Grip!  I kid you not.  Poor Nurse Chapel!  To be in love with Spock all those years and he could never quite love her back...although I'm sure he must have in his Half-Human sort of way.  

They can be secretive and protective, not only of themselves but of their loved ones.  Another thing I love about them.

But what I don't love is their coldness at times.  For all that passion and intensity they can shut down on you like a robot...or a full blooded Vulcan you could say. Almost creepy to someone like me who mostly comes from the heart.  I heard once that they make good doctors because they are compassionate but can possess the detachment needed for what needs to be done...such as surgery and cool headed thinking under pressure.
I on the other hand feel everything...probably too much so.  So I look to them for their ability to have logic even if it is a little unfeeling at times.
So my question is...when does it get to a level that is entering into self-destructiveness?  When walls keep you from feeling...taking chances...going to the next level in yourself or with another person.  A paralyzing fear keeping you in almost a self-made prison.

That makes me sad when I think of some I have known who built that life for themselves.  But maybe it makes them sad when they see me drowning in an ocean of my feelings and emotions...with no way to rescue myself when I am really lost at sea.

I guess the answer would be for anyone of extremes to learn to take the 'Middle Path'.  And that is a big part of my journey...this Aquarian Odyssey I am on.  Learning to stay balanced in my 'wise mind'...not too emotional...not too logical.  I am getting better at it...balancing.  Well, my moon is in Libra so maybe I have half a chance?!

With Spock...I assume it was a hard balance...Half Human / Half Vulcan.  Probably really conflicted at times.  Torn between his two natures.  
I am not a HUGE Trekkie but like a lot of what the show had to offer.  As my dear friend, Steve put it....
"The original series had many of the finest writers of the time, and did their best to talk about our problems in society in a Fantasy format. Including everything from racism, to the sexual revolution...."

It truly was a ground breaking show and I respect it for what it did for society.  I was discussing something with Steve the other day, probably about Scorpios, maybe one in particular...maybe just about being detached...  And we came up with the Spock theory.  I said "Spock was probably a Scorpio..."  and then that launched into the whole Star Trek discussion.   Did I mention that we are NERDS?!

The episode is called "Amok Time".   The coping of his feelings and his shut down side nearly kills him.  That must be so hard to have that inner conflict going on inside yourself.  One thing I will say about the way I deal with my feelings is that I feel them and let them out.  Keeping stuff inside can really make you sick.  It can even kill you.  I have the courage to feel and admit those feelings...even if they aren't "cool".  In my personal belief system,  I find it even more "cool" to be able to be honest with yourself and truly know yourself and most importantly own up to whatever it is that is in your heart.

Although people that come solely from the heart can really get themselves into trouble.  I can personally attest to that!  But what gets us where we really need to go in life is our intuition.  That internal personal GPS system that a lot of us have shut down because we let our minds run the show.   I think our intuition is our "wise mind".  It's that middle path between cold, calculating confining prison of the mind and the full throttle high octane explosion of emotions.  One way is super limiting, the other can lead towards destruction.

In reference to my dear Scorpios, this is a sign of REGENERATION!  I love that!  Death and Rebirth!  In the Tarot, the Death Card is the sign associated with Scorpio.  

And they actually are the only sign to have more than one astrological symbol.   The Scorpion and the Eagle...or some say 'The Phoenix' and that is true for them as well.  "The Phoenix from the Ashes"!!   They say coming into this life as a Scorpio you must completely face your entire lower nature, where one is tested and has struggles to endure to overcome the weaknesses characteristic of that sign....selfish desire, pride, anger...etc... When the tests have been passed one evolves to the Eagle, or Phoenix I would suppose.   So even though Scorps kinda get a lot of "bad press" as far as the signs go, they can be quite evolved if they can push through those limiting behaviors.  It must not be easy to transform from a lowly little ground dwelling insect to the heights of one of the most revered animals of the Animal Kingdom.  But man, when they do...what an accomplishment and AMAZING feeling that must be!

 Best of luck and highest wishes to you, my dear Scorpios!  I believe in your undeniable STRENGTH and POWER!  I know you will make it to where Eagles soar!  And come up as The Phoenix that you are, in all your fiery blaze of glory from whatever ashes you find yourself in!


Just remember whatever 'Odyssey' you may be on, try to keep it on The Middle Path...and don't forget to use your Internal GPS!    

"Live Long and Prosper...."


  1. I found very surprising that u haven't received a comment yet, because I seriously just got lost in this read. It's pretty late and I still couldn't stop myself from finishing it. I've honestly just jumped into astrology recently not knowing much about it, but everything I read about scorpios is just dead on balls accurate with how I've been feeling about myself and what I've learned about myself. And I think that's what has me hooked on Zodiac lately because it would certainly explain alot ya kno...But yea, just flicking through google and stumbled across this, and I really enjoyed it. It was right on the money with a lot of situations/emotions I am currently going through. and it does help a little bit knowing there are people out there that understand us weirdos lol...

    1. Thank you, Steve. I'm so glad you enjoyed and most importantly related to what I have written. I've had my fair share of experience with the likings of you "weirdos" as you so endearingly put it.
      Thanks for your comment. I don't use this blog that much any more, I moved over to
      so if you would like to follow me you can do so over there.
      And May The Force Be With You!
